Reformation; Catholic Reformation; European Exploration/Expansion; Absolutism/Ancien Regime; English Civil War and After; Scientific Revolution; The Enlightenment; American Independence; French Revolution; Industrial Revolution; 19C Nationalism; 19C Conservatism; 19C Liberalism; 19C Feminism; 19C Britain; 19C France; 19C Americas; Socialism and Marxism; Imperialism; The Second Industrial Revolution; Darwin, Freud, Einstein, etc.; Late 19C/Early 20C Thought; Religion in the Face of Modernity; World War I; The Russian Revolution; An Age of Anxiety? The Inter-War Years; Nazism and Word War II; The Holocaust; A Bipolar World; Europe Since 1945; End of Western Hegemony; Social Movements; Post-World War II Religious Thought"
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